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The home page will explain you in 10 questions a little on Project Utopia.


A 1 world government,
created by the people,
for all to succeed in
peace, abundance and freedom.

Here, we are changing the world.
Here, we have the solutions
for all the problems worldwide.

The biggest project thought by humanity, of our era.
Let's write here, the logic way, of our perfect government.

Happy Girls

1- What is Projek Utopia?

          Projek Utopia is volunteers around the world who wants a better society and are creating a public online business plan of a 1 world perfect government on this website.

Wedding at the Castle

2- What is Whoma?

          Whoma government is the name of the 1 world government of Projek Utopia. Whoma is an acronyme meaning: World Humanity Of Mutual Aid.

Girl Power

3- What Projek Utopia Offer?

          Projek Utopia have to offer a community of free basic services and new ideas. A life where people are rich, a new and better lifestyle, a paradisiac life for all.

Office Space

4- What Projek Utopia Want's?

          Projek Utopia wants volunteers of every fields, to accomplish the hundreds and thousands of tasks that are posted on this website, to create "on paper" Whoma government (the utopian government).

On the Laptop

5- How Works Projek Utopia?

          People become members on this website and they apply on the open tasks or/and the organization, to do on their free time with no pressure.

Impoverished homeless man

6- Why We Need Projek Utopia?

         We live in the 3rd millennium and we are smart enough to all have comfortable lives. But that's not the reality... War and poverty stop existing in the Whoma system.

Tropical Party

7- How Would Be the Life in the Whoma System?

          Many vacations in a year, Paradisiac parks, less work, more money, colonize Mars, no poverty, security everywhere, better justice and much more...

Family Time

8- Why We Need a 1 World Government?

          We need a 1 world government because it's the logic to all have the same free services and security, also, to stop basing our lives on work but on us and much more...


9- What the logo means?

          The logo represents the 1st Earth flag, the flag of freedom. Have a look at the "Read More" button it will interest you...


10- What PU means?

          PU or pu and Pu are an acronym meaning Projek Utopia. It's a short way to chat about it.

You are invited
To have a look at the next page "Goal",
To see what constitute Whoma.


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